Leading a group?

Check out our Curriculum How To Guide for tips for creating a welcoming, faith-centered environment where parents can grow spiritually and support each other. It focuses on fostering meaningful discussions, encouraging prayer, and ensuring that everyone feels valued and included. This guide helps make each session a time of deep connection, learning, and shared faith.

Screen Time Safety

Screen Time Safety is a transformative Christian parenting series dedicated to guiding families through the challenges of managing screen time. Rooted in faith, the series explores the profound impact of excessive screen usage on children's spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being. With esteemed author Arlene Pellicane as a special guest, listeners can expect insightful discussions on the five essential skills children need to develop within this digitally saturated world, all while aligning with biblical principles. Families will discover practical strategies and God-centered wisdom to cultivate a healthy balance in their children's screen time habits, nurturing their spiritual growth and family connections.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.


  • Identify strategies for healthy screen time as a family

  • Implement protective habits for brain and relational health

  • Discover five A+ social skills for kids of all ages in a tech driven world

  • Implement a technology plan for your family

Meet the Author

ARLENE pellicane

“Once when introduced to a group of women, the emcee read a few of my book titles and exclaimed with a smile, “What more do you want from us?”

Dear friend, I do want more for you!

More happiness in your home. More closeness to God, your family and friends. More purpose, less screen time.

I’ve been honored to speak, write books (translated into over 10 languages), and appear on several media outlets like the Today Show, Wall Street Journal, Focus on the Family, Fox & Friends, TLC’s Home Made Simple, FamilyLife Today, and The 700 Club. I am the host of the Happy Home podcast.  I have also been on the writing team for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Girlfriends in God. I earned a BA from Biola University and a MA from Regent University. Before becoming a speaker and author, I served as a features reporter for The 700 Club and associate director for Turning Point with David Jeremiah.